Lost at Sea.
We're back from a little Bahamian cruise with my family. The weather wasn't exactly what I had hoped for (more sun, less humidity, a little bit of a breeze) but I know how fickle the Caribbean can be. It was wonderful to spend time with my family while retaining a little bit of privacy (it was a large ship!).
I started on my summer reading list while we were at sea and have plowed through it! Since we set sail on June 3rd I've torn through:
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was gripping. I would find myself thinking about it during dinner and would hurry back to our room to bury myself in it.
This One is Mine by Maria Semple was clever and very funny. You find yourself falling in love with the characters while trying not to pity them (we've all gotten ourselves into strage situations right?) I loved all the references to architecture and broadway music that you don't usually find in easy summer reads. I also learned what insouciant means!
The Lost Girl by D.H. Lawrence was written in the early 1900's so the ostensible assumption is that it's not quite as relatable as the others on my list, but it really was entertaining none the less. A young woman trying to figure navigate her way through the world, while dealing with her bizarre parents is a plight that has remained relevant throughout time.
Last but not least, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green took me exactly 24 hours to consume. It was witty and engulfing and terribly, terribly sad. I felt a connection with the teenage protagonists and desperately wanted them to find a "fairy tale ending". Needless to say, I sobbed uncontrollably through the last 50 pages of this book.
I'm going to run by Barnes & Noble and pick up a few more books to read today, do you have any suggestions? I know for sure I'll get Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple, but seeing how quickly I've gone through these four, I'll need to grab a few more!
P.S. Go buy the ACTUAL book. Support the writers and publishers and artists and Barnes & Noble employees that live off of your purchase of a real life, hold in your hands, turn the pages, clutch it to your chest when you finish, book.
Plus, I love seeing what other people are reading! It's frustrating when all you see are hundreds of iPads or Nooks. Wouldn't it be creepy for me to peer over your shoulder to see if you've got a page full of text and proceed to walk over and ask if and what you're reading?
I think so.
Sean and I did something spontaneous and took a pre-vacation-vacation. We skipped off to my parents cabin the woods for a three day weekend in the smoky mountains.
We got there laaatttee friday night and woke up to a perfectly chilly mountain morning.
That afternoon, I lounged in the grass, sipped on an ice-cold beer and painted on a few rocks that I nabbed out of the creek.
And played with these creepy wax worms.

And watched my man fish.
I tried to catch some trout, but they weren't buying what I was selling.
My man snagged one though! He cleaned it and we cooked it for dinner, but not without setting the smoke alarm off and spending some time with a few of Franklin's finest volunteer fire fighters.
On Sunday we headed over to Asheville to drink, shop and leave the cooking up to someone else.
Crazy good quail and cole slaw.
This was quite possibly the best fried chicken I've ever had. If you're ever in Asheville, get over to Seven Sows!
The drive home was gorgeous and made all the more fun with the views and the CD we bought from an awesome NOLA based string band, Yes Ma'am, that happened to be playing on the street in Asheville.
This mini-getaway was relaxing, romantic and just what the doctor ordered.
P.S.- Check out this video of Yes Ma'am in New Orleans, I'd buy their album again in a heartbeat.
Daughters of kings (and queens)
I've been stumbling around Pinterest lately (always) and seen pictures of gorgeous girls in incredible clothing. Finally after of their names caught my eye, I did a little research and found out that these beautiful socialites come from some pretty awesome families.
My main crushes are on these chicks:
Dree Hemingway:
She's a 25-year-old model and actress... oh yeah, and she's Ernest Hemingway's great-grandaughter. I'd love to become best friends and borrow those camel booties she's wearing in that last photo.
Next is Lou Doillon. You may not recognize the name, but those bangs and cheekbones scream Birkin.
Lastly, Georgia May Jagger is a rock-baby if I've ever seen one.
She's the best thing to come of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall's 9 year relationship. And she hangs out with Cara Delevingne.
Getting out
This weekend is the first in a month that I don't have a family function, school obligation, or work.
Three whole days to do whatever I please! The weather has been so absolutely perfect, so I'd like to take advantage of it and get out in the sun. Sean and I are going on a cruise in a few weeks so we have been doing our best to eat clean and healthy (other than the chicken wings we splurged for last night.. whoops!) and exercise.
Neither of us are runners. I can stubbornly and painstakingly make it through a mile, but I always feel like I could roll over and die afterwards... and Sean would rather be waterboarded. Rather than torture ourselves I want to try some new outdoorsy activities that will make us break a sweat and help us work on our tans.
First is Paddleboarding.
For those of you who know me, stop laughing.
I know my questionable balance, poor coordination, and overall lack of athleticism makes it hard to imagine me gliding across the water standing on an oversized surfboard, but I'm going to give it a go!
Think of all the sun we'll get! Plus, my guns will be looking pretty impressive after pushing myself around all day.
It's a win-win.
I'm also thinking about signing us up for sailing lessons.
Whenever I think about sailing I envision, the Kennedy's in white shorts and open button downs relaxing on a beautiful boat, Ray-Ban-clad faces turned to the sun.
I know without a doubt that I will probably be red in the face, huffing and puffing with hair in my face, cursing the day I decided to cut bangs... but a girl can dream.
Do you have any recommendations on outdoorsy activities?
P.S.- This meme has always made me laugh!
As one of my graduation gifts my grandparents are taking me to a fancy lunch and mini-shopping spree this afternoon!
I'm going to drink some good chardonnay and chat about how I haven't quite found my dream job yet. (It HAS only been a week and a half you guys, I haven't even gotten my diploma in the mail yet!)
Then we're going to mosey on to pick up a new pair of sunnies.
I have about a hundred pairs from Target, Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie. But, if anyone is going to take me seriously as a professional I'm going to need a nice pair of sunglasses right??
Most importantly though, we're going on a cruise in three weeks and I'll need them to block that bright Bahamian sun.
Originally I was thinking a classic pair of Ray-Ban Aviators, but I might go a little crazy and get something trendy... It probably depends on how much wine I drink.
How is your week going? Anything exciting happening?
Catch up
Hi there!
Remember me?
It seems like it's been FOREVER since I've blogged. Here's some photos off of my iPhone from the past week or so to catch up!
I finally muscled up the courage and got bangs!
Just some gorgeous graduation earrings from DY.
I graduated... finally.
My parents threw me an awesome party with blue cupcakes and blueberry beer.
My sweet, sweet nephew.
Celebratory tequila shots of course.
I hope you're all doing well!
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