

last weekend according to my iPhone

This spring has proved to be the most hectic season/semester of my life. So, the time I get off is very precious. 

I didn't lug around the big Nikon this weekend, so you'll have to forgive the iPhone photo quality.  I was busy enjoying the people and places around me, and didn't think to take many pictures, but here are the few I did snap on my phone. 

The story behind this cuff is by far the best of any other things I own. My great-grandmother gave this to my mom on her sixteenth birthday, my grandmother saw it and decided that she wanted it and snatched it from my mom. Then, 35 years later after my grandmother passed away, my mom inherited her own bracelet. I was at my parents house the other day and noticed the bracelet on my mom's dresser and snatched it for myself! When I told my mom, she laughed because this one cuff has been given and stolen from 4 generations of women. 

Saturday night we made the trek to Intuition Ale Works for a birthday party and had an incredible time sampling the different (very potent) brews. The brewery has a very laid-back vibe and I would go back in a heartbeat. 

Sunday was spent sleeping off the beers from Saturday, working on homework and catching up on household chores. We were able to make it to Casa Maya for dinner (Incredible, you have to go try it!) and of course stopped at Bon Ami for some after dinner confections. 

It was a refreshing weekend, and I feel energized to take on the crazy week ahead. 

How was your weekend? 



If you follow me on Instagram you may know that I've been whining about the chilly weather we've been having in Jacksonville for the past week or so... What can I say, I'm a Florida girl through and through.

So, in an effort to use positive vibes to change the seasons, I've been oogling at all of the spring 2013 trends in stores and online. 

Lots of bohemian/punk/grunge this year. I'm digging it. 

But, the one I'm the most excited about is the flower crown.

I've got swedish blood (my grandma Carolyn Lindstrom was full swede!) so I've always been enamored by all of the beautiful swedish traditions. 

I've got fond memories of my grandmother's call on my birthday. As soon as I would pick up the phone she would sing the swedish rendition of "Happy Birthday"(which was more like HER-version of the swedish rendition of "Happy Birthday") and I remember her's and my great aunt Velda's houses were always warm, filled with all kinds of little swedish trinkets and you could count on some kind of delicious danish, pancake or cookie in the oven.  

She never celebrated Midsummer, but the idea of dancing around the maypole in a simple white dress and flower crown always seemed so romantic to me. 

SO, as you can imagine I was practically jumping up and down when I saw that Urban Outfitters has a blomma krona for everyone! 

I found a link to a site with a tutorial for making your own and while I'd love to make my own flower crown (and learn Mandarin Chinese and write a novel and memorize a few Charles Bukowski poems), alas I just don't have the time...

Instead, I popped on over to UO and $20 later I had this beautiful little baby. 

You can find mine here

I plan to wear it all spring/summer long... (hopefully at Hangout Festival come May!)

Later, after I picked up my precious flower crown, I ran to Target to pick up some shampoo... 

Since it's impossible for me to get out of Target with just one thing, I left with the shampoo, some socks, workout pants, new mascara, chapstick AND this little cap. 

It was a mere $10 and I absolutely love it. 

What are your favorite spring/summer trends?


The year of the snake... or something like that.

As of February 10th, we've all officially made it to the Chinese "year of the snake".

If I had to come up with a name for last year, it would have been the "year of the architects".


Last summer, I was beyond lucky enough to land an internship in Chicago with a boutique eco-architectural firm. My boss was an incredibly talented woman who went to school in London, worked in California and then opened up her own shop in Chicago.

Crazy cool influence.

I spent three months surrounded by some seriously talented architects, then literally 3 days after I moved back to Florida I met Sean, my very own architect. It was one of the things that we instantly bonded over.

So, obviously, I've developed an appreciation for architects, buildings, aesthetics, and design.

Sean actually introduced me to the work of an incredible architect, Tom Kundig. Kundig studied geophysics before he changed in architecture at the University of Washington. He spent some time hiking, skiing and climbing before he dedicated himself to his craft and its apparent when you look at his work. So many of his designs allude to nature and are rooted in the landscape surrounding them.

I'm all about the clean but approachable appeal these homes have and I love that they look contemporary and comfortable at the same time.

Who are your favorite architects/designers?

Do you like to spend hours scrolling through the AD website, like I do? ...No?

Well, give it try!


Sunday Night

Last night we went over to my parents house for a celebratory dinner (my nephew nabbed the highest reading score in his class on the FCAT, go Matt!) 

He's 8 and at that stage where if I so much as look at him with the idea of hugging/kissing/telling him how I think he's the most brilliant 8-year-old that ever walked the planet, he's embarrassed and running for the hills. 

So I'm thrilled that I was able to snap one blurry, but love filled picture on my iPhone. 

My sweet Sean, however, will always put on a smile and let me click away (he's such a trooper). 

I had to get one of some of my jewelry last night. the wrap bracelet is one that I bought at Rochelle's a million years ago, the beaded ones are my own creations, and the gold one was one of my grandmother's. I seem to be the only one who remembers her wearing it everyday, but I was thrilled when my mom said that I could have it. 

Last night was one of those nights, where at the end I looked around and realized how lucky I am to have the opportunity to be surrounded by so many people that I love, and that love me back. 

I've been so busy lately, that I haven't really taken the time to stop, breathe and be immensely grateful  for my life and the people in it. 

So, if it's allowed, I'm going to make my new years resolution one month and 18 days late. This year I want to be present for my life and soak up each and every second with those I love.

I hope you all had a restful weekend and have the time this week, to stop and drink in all of the wonderful things around you. 

You deserve it. 



I'm sure you've all not only heard of Pinterest but, like me, are probably pretty addicted to it.

{For those of you who don't know, Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections, such as events, interests, hobbies, etc. Users can browse other pinboards for inspiration, 're-pin' images to their own inboards, or 'like' photos}

I think it's one of the most brilliant ideas for a website, and I spend many of my off hours (which seem more like minutes these days) pinning my little heart out! 

My pins consist mostly of recipes, decorating ideas, and clothes I dig. 

Head on over and follow me if you'd like to take a gander at my pinboards! 

What do you love to pin the most? Fitspo? Quotes? Wedding ideas? 

I hope you all had a great V-day and aren't nursing a champagne-maccaroon-trufflebuttersteak induced hangover like myself! 


My Valentine

I hope that everyone is having a great Valentine's Day today!

I'm dying for it to be 7 already, so that I can be snuggled up in a cozy, romantic restaurant with my valentine.

I love you so, so much Sean! 


JFW2013: Casting Call #1

Tuesday night was the first of two casting calls for all guys and gals looking to walk in this year's shows.

I spent the duration of the event in the room with the panel, instructing the models how and when to walk for Yoanna House (Talent Manager), Matthew David (Runway Coordinator), Cristina Farrell (COO & Co-Founder of JFW) and a few of the featured designers.

There was a really great turn out and definitely more than a few stars. 

John and I have had a ton of PR classes together and are now both interning at Jacksonville Fashion Week. I absolutely adore him! 

Literally getting my photo taken with a supermodel... Yoanna looks amazing in every single picture I take of her! (Plus, she's so so sweet and an awesome boss!) 

If you're in the Jacksonville area next week (Tuesday Feb. 19th 4 p.m.-7 p.m.) come on out to Taste and strut your stuff! You could be working it on the runway come March!